By an old drinking well on the grass so green
I lay down and fell into a dream
By a strange mellow sound from a silver eyed bird
I opened my eyes but said no word
On the pathway came walking a woman so bold
Behind her in silence went the old ic
Ahead ran the children with joyful cries
Their faces were lifted to the skies
The woman`s hair was raven and black as the night
Covered with stars shining bright
As they passed by the well I saw that their eyes
Were flaming like many coloured ice
They passed by the well like a breeze pure and clean
Soon they were nowhere to be seen
When I woke up alone on the grass so green
I looked into the well to catch the dream
The water was rising and I felt a chill
I willed the water to be still
There was a face in the mirror like a face out of time
The eyes held a shimmery shine
Shine Dion是来自挪威Skien (斯基恩)的2重唱组合,它的音乐被认为是挪威和爱尔兰民调的结合体,在音乐中经常使用很多乐器:小提琴、风笛、SAX、曼陀林(类似我们的琵琶)、3角铁、美乐特朗(一电子琴)、木吉他。其中Janne Hansen是主唱兼歌词创作,Per Selör则主作曲和吉他弹奏。
To:喵喵,这样OK?:D :D
[ 本帖最后由 chinesegirl 于 2007-5-28 17:25 编辑 ] 好不容易搞定,自己顶一个:D 喵喵没来,我来回答下,当然OK的,很好听,谢谢分享~ 不错,不错,多多加油~:D 不To喵喵,喵喵还不来呢 原帖由 zhansh 于 2007-5-28 21:26 发表 http://www.luoan.cn/bbs/images/common/back.gif
有么,我在默默的关注啊。:$ 要呼唤才能出来。。 深夜听来,意犹未尽。 听起来不错。 下载中。。。。。。 谢谢,很有成就感:D