栀子花开英文版---Gardenia in blossom
蝴蝶兰编辑http://www.pc120120.com/attachment/60_677_ea15edd8dc8abd7.gif歌曲:栀子花开(英文版) 和弦
歌手:阿兰·达瓦卓玛 和弦
Gardenia in blossom,
so beautiful so white.
we'll be apart in such sweet season
don't be so shy flowery baby
you're mile fragrances everywhere around me
Gardenia in blossom,
so lovely so nice
never leave me in such beaut season
wave to happines and sadness
don't be so forgetful whenever we were so young
Gardenia in blossom,Gardenia in blossom
like a sweet dream bless me in my heart
Gardenia in blossom,Gardenia in blossom
remember there youth.and ppureness love
Gardenia in blossom,
so lovely so nice
never leave me in such beaut season
wave to happines sand sadness
don't be so forgetful whenever we were so young
Gardenia in blossom,Gardenia in blossom
like a sweet dream bless me in my heart
Gardenia in blossom,Gardenia in blossom
remember there youth.and ppureness love
Gardenia in blossom,Gardenia in blossom
like a sweet dream bless me in my heart
Gardenia in blossom,Gardenia in blossom
remember there youth.and ppureness love
Gardenia in blossom,Gardenia in blossom
like a sweet dream bless me in my heart
Gardenia in blossom,Gardenia in blossom
remember there youth.and ppureness love
Gardenia in blossom,Gardenia in blossom
like a sweet dream bless me in my heart
Gardenia in blossom,Gardenia in blossom
remember there youth.and ppureness love.
[ 本帖最后由 龙之炎炎 于 2008-6-30 09:32 编辑 ] 这么快就开始运用表格啦~嘻嘻·蛮厉害呢··
嗯嗯·不错不错·加油! 再来听听,别有一番风味~继续支持~:lol 另一番滋味,
我还在初级阶段,还是做不好帖:( 原帖由 刮痧 于 2008-6-30 19:59 发表 http://www.luoan.cn/bbs/images/common/back.gif
:loveliness: 不着急~慢慢来··有教程滴,可以看看学学·
有哪不懂的可以问我· 呵呵,啊,这个歌曲,我也贴过的,在文海~喜欢 它的旋律:)
加些图片就更好啦~ 嗯嗯~碧海金沙正在学习中~会进步滴~嘻嘻· 栀子花开,喜欢这首歌,想起过去 看看在说,要听一下 还没听过英文的呢,坐在地上慢慢听