米汤 发表于 2009-9-3 12:48:19


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<FONT style="FONT-WEIGHT: normal; FONT-SIZE: 45pt; LINE-HEIGHT: normal; FONT-STYLE: normal; FONT-VARIANT: normal" face=华文行楷 color=#00ff00>
Jessica Mauboy - 《Been Waiting (JP Bonus Tracks) 》</FONT></DIV>
<font face=隶书 style=font:22pt color=#0000ff><b>
<P align=left>Jessica Mauboy,1989年8月4日出生于澳大利亚有印度尼西亚血统,是"Australian Idol"(澳洲偶像)第四季度的亚军.2007年她替代前成员Ricki-Lee Coulter加入组合"Young Divas"并参与录制了专集,她们首支单曲"Turn Me Loose"就是Mauboy唱的。2008下半年Mauboy经过深思熟虑决定退出组合,全心全意开始个人事业。澳洲女子组合"Young Divas"可谓多灾多难,仅仅成立不到2年多就接连遇成员退出重组。首个单飞的成员Ricki-Lee Coulter一直被业内认为是组合中最有发展潜力的歌手事后证明她的确如人士看好那样。当然Mauboy也完成了心愿顺利推出了个人的首张大碟"Been Waiting",前程逐渐光明。  澳洲选秀出来的R&B女歌手处女专辑,其中一首“Let Me Be Me”,很有节奏感,加上她那略带涩哑而有力的嗓音,非常吸引人。整张专辑也十分耐听。走在POP前线的音乐,音乐可以用新颖形容,加上声音天衣无缝的配合,很难找到不喜欢的地方。虽然动感的曲风居多,但“Because”这首稍微抒情的歌,也触动了某根心弦…  </P><BR> 
<P align=left>Jessica1989年出生,年纪虽小,却已有singer和songwriter两种身份,2006年参加澳洲的Australian Idol选秀节目脱颖而出,同时她也成为Young Divas女子组合的成员,2007年Young Divas出了新专辑《New Attitude》。</P><BR>
<P align=left>01-jessica_mauboy-running_back-tosk </P><BR>
<P align=left>02-jessica_mauboy-been_waiting-tosk </P><BR>
<P align=left>03-jessica_mauboy-burn-tosk </P><BR>
<P align=left>04-jessica_mauboy-used2b-tosk </P><BR>
<P align=left>05-jessica_mauboy-empty-tosk </P><BR>
<P align=left>06-jessica_mauboy-because-tosk </P><BR>
<P align=left>07-jessica_mauboy-to_the_floor-tosk </P><BR>
<P align=left>08-jessica_mauboy-time_after_time-tosk </P><BR>
<P align=left>09-jessica_mauboy-back2u-tosk </P><BR>
<P align=left>10-jessica_mauboy-up_down-tosk </P><BR>
<P align=left>11-jessica_mauboy-let_me_be_me-tosk </P><BR>
<P align=left>12-jessica_mauboy-breathe-tosk </P><BR>
<P align=left>13-jessica_mauboy-been_waiting_(champion_lover_remix)-tosk </P><BR>
<P align=left>14-jessica_mauboy-do_it_again-tosk </P><BR>
<P align=left>15-jessica_mauboy-chinese_whispers-tosk </P><BR>
<P align=left>16-jessica_mauboy-that_girl-tosk </P><BR>
<P align=left>17-jessica_mauboy-runnin-tosk </P><BR>
<P align=left>18-jessica_mauboy-burn_(jason_nevins_remix)-tosk </P><BR>
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<h1> 下載地址</h1>
<h1> **** Hidden Message *****</h1>
<TABLE id=table1 style="LEFT: 0px; WIDTH: 1040px; HEIGHT: 600px; POSITION: relative; TOP: 0px" cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 align=center background=http://photo6.webshare.cc/0252632001251875330oDYbJ.jpg>
<DIV align=center><FONT color=#ff0066><FONT face=楷体_GB2312 color=#f70909 size=7><FONT color=#ffff00>
<DIV align=left><FONT style="FONT-SIZE: 35pt; FILTER: shadow(color=#11A0FF); WIDTH: 100%; COLOR: white; HEIGHT: 150%; FONT-FAMILY: 方正舒体">
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<FONT style="FONT-SIZE: 18pt; FILTER: shadow(color=#0909F7 ) FONT-FAMILY: 华文新魏; WIDTH: 100%; COLOR: white; LINE-HEIGHT: 150%">
<FONT face=隶书>《because》</FONT></P>
<FONT face=隶书> I waited for so long, you showed me you were the one我等了这么久,你告诉我你是唯一</FONT></P>
<FONT face=隶书> I gave you my heart, right from the very start so我给你我的心,从一开始就是这样
</FONT><FONT face=隶书> Every time you lied, I knew inside每当你撒谎,我都能认清</FONT></P>
<FONT face=隶书> Get another chance给你再一次机会</FONT></P>
<FONT face=隶书> I was hurting, I was broken我被伤害,我被打碎</FONT></P>
<FONT face=隶书> I stayed too long and so that's why在一起太久了,所以</FONT></P>
<FONT face=隶书> You didn't think that I knew wrong你不认为我知道你犯的错</FONT></P>
<FONT face=隶书> It's all because, I loved you这是因为,我爱你</FONT></P>
<FONT face=隶书> I held you(因为)我曾拥有你</FONT></P>
<FONT face=隶书> I believed you(因为)我相信你</FONT></P>
<FONT face=隶书> You're not what I needed你不是我的需要</FONT></P>
<FONT face=隶书> I'm stronger(因为)我更强大</FONT></P>
<FONT face=隶书> I'm better(因为)我会更好</FONT></P>
<FONT face=隶书> without you(因为)(我心中)已没有你</FONT></P>
<FONT face=隶书> You'd thought I'd be in pieces你一定认为我只是你的情妇</FONT></P>
<FONT face=隶书> You gave me, just one thing, for taking from the beginning你只给了我一样东西,只给了我一个开始</FONT></P>
<FONT face=隶书> You left me, a heart ache, how much more could I take,你离开我,给了我多少心痛</FONT></P>
<FONT face=隶书> With every alibi, that made me cry, I still gave you more,每一个借口,这让我哭,我仍然给你更多</FONT></P>
<FONT face=隶书> I should've given up,我已经放弃了</FONT></P>
<FONT face=隶书> When I had had enough,我已经受够了</FONT></P>
<FONT face=隶书> But I stayed to long, that's why,不过,我依然留下,这是为什么</FONT></P>
<FONT face=隶书> You didn't think that I knew wrong,你不认为我知道你犯的错</FONT></P>
<FONT face=隶书> It's all because, I loved you,这是因为,我爱你</FONT></P>
<FONT face=隶书> (Because) I held you,(因为)我曾拥有你</FONT></P>
<FONT face=隶书> (Because) I believed you,(因为)我相信你</FONT></P>
<FONT face=隶书> I made a mistake of giving me to you,我犯了一个错误 把我给你</FONT></P>
<FONT face=隶书> I made a mistake of loving you我犯了一个错误 爱你</FONT></P>
<FONT face=隶书> It's all because, I loved you,这是因为,我爱你</FONT></P></FONT></MARQUEE></P></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>

[ 本帖最后由 米汤 于 2009-9-3 14:59 编辑 ]

米汤 发表于 2009-9-3 13:16:58


米汤 发表于 2009-9-3 15:05:17

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<align=center><FONT style="FONT-SIZE: 18pt; FILTER: shadow(color=#0909F7 ) FONT-FAMILY: 华文新魏; WIDTH: 100%; COLOR: white; LINE-HEIGHT: 150%">
<FONT face=隶书>《because》</FONT></P>
<FONT face=隶书> I waited for so long, you showed me you were the one我等了这么久,你告诉我你是唯一</FONT></P>
<FONT face=隶书> I gave you my heart, right from the very start so我给你我的心,从一开始就是这样
</FONT><FONT face=隶书> Every time you lied, I knew inside每当你撒谎,我都能认清</FONT></P>
<FONT face=隶书> Get another chance给你再一次机会</FONT></P>
<FONT face=隶书> I was hurting, I was broken我被伤害,我被打碎</FONT></P>
<FONT face=隶书> I stayed too long and so that's why在一起太久了,所以</FONT></P>
<FONT face=隶书> You didn't think that I knew wrong你不认为我知道你犯的错</FONT></P>
<FONT face=隶书> It's all because, I loved you这是因为,我爱你</FONT></P>
<FONT face=隶书> I held you(因为)我曾拥有你</FONT></P>
<FONT face=隶书> I believed you(因为)我相信你</FONT></P>
<FONT face=隶书> You're not what I needed你不是我的需要</FONT></P>
<FONT face=隶书> I'm stronger(因为)我更强大</FONT></P>
<FONT face=隶书> I'm better(因为)我会更好</FONT></P>
<FONT face=隶书> without you(因为)(我心中)已没有你</FONT></P>
<FONT face=隶书> You'd thought I'd be in pieces你一定认为我只是你的情妇</FONT></P>
<FONT face=隶书> You gave me, just one thing, for taking from the beginning你只给了我一样东西,只给了我一个开始</FONT></P>
<FONT face=隶书> You left me, a heart ache, how much more could I take,你离开我,给了我多少心痛</FONT></P>
<FONT face=隶书> With every alibi, that made me cry, I still gave you more,每一个借口,这让我哭,我仍然给你更多</FONT></P>
<FONT face=隶书> I should've given up,我已经放弃了</FONT></P>
<FONT face=隶书> When I had had enough,我已经受够了</FONT></P>
<FONT face=隶书> But I stayed to long, that's why,不过,我依然留下,这是为什么</FONT></P>
<FONT face=隶书> You didn't think that I knew wrong,你不认为我知道你犯的错</FONT></P>
<FONT face=隶书> It's all because, I loved you,这是因为,我爱你</FONT></P>
<FONT face=隶书> (Because) I held you,(因为)我曾拥有你</FONT></P>
<FONT face=隶书> (Because) I believed you,(因为)我相信你</FONT></P>
<FONT face=隶书> I made a mistake of giving me to you,我犯了一个错误 把我给你</FONT></P>
<FONT face=隶书> I made a mistake of loving you我犯了一个错误 爱你</FONT></P>
<FONT face=隶书> It's all because, I loved you,这是因为,我爱你</FONT></MARQUEE></P></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>

juaner 发表于 2009-9-3 16:14:43


jufeng102 发表于 2009-9-3 21:51:27

小米妈妈的帖子好漂亮 顶起来^_^

anxy 发表于 2009-9-9 08:49:05

页: [1]
查看完整版本: Jessica.Mauboy.-.[Been.Waiting.(Deluxe.Edition)(2009)].专辑.(mp3)