[ 本帖最后由 ydcx1995 于 2009-7-20 18:47 编辑 ] 哪位高手知道啊,着急啊,帮帮忙,谢谢了!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 我用的不多
给高手们分析分析 谢谢,太感谢了,正在试试 问题还没解决,发几段错误日志供大家参考:
NeroVision total data size: 1442344 bytes
NeroVision multiplexed size : 1478656 bytes
MMTools SourceBuilder: building cached f:\VIDEO_TS\VIDEO_TS.VOB video/0
MMTools SourceBuilder: unable to use cache: 0x80004005 - 未指定的错误
MMTools SourceBuilder: building f:\VIDEO_TS\VIDEO_TS.VOB video/0
MMTools SourceBuilder: building f:\VIDEO_TS\VIDEO_TS.VOB video/0
MMTools SourceBuilder: --- used source filters --- NeroVision total data size: 950548 bytes
NeroVision multiplexed size : 972800 bytes
MMTools SourceBuilder: building cached f:\VIDEO_TS\VTS_01_0.VOB video/0
MMTools SourceBuilder: unable to use cache: 0x80004005 - 未指定的错误
MMTools SourceBuilder: building f:\VIDEO_TS\VTS_01_0.VOB video/0
DVDEngine********END: _VOBS - Process VOB
DVDEngine******END: VTSTT_VOBS#2 - Process Create
DVDEngine****END: _DVDVideoBase - Prepare VTS#2
DVDEngine****BEGIN: _DVDVideoBase - Prepare VTS#3
DVDEngine...VTSM_VOBS_exist = false NeroVision total data size: 950548 bytes
NeroVision multiplexed size : 972800 bytes
MMTools SourceBuilder: building cached f:\VIDEO_TS\VTS_02_0.VOB video/0
MMTools SourceBuilder: unable to use cache: 0x80004005 - 未指定的错误
MMTools SourceBuilder: building f:\VIDEO_TS\VTS_02_0.VOB video/0
DVDEngine********END: _VOBS - Process VOB
DVDEngine******END: VTSTT_VOBS#4 - Process Create
DVDEngine****END: _DVDVideoBase - Prepare VTS#4 NeroVision multiplexed size : 475136 bytes
MMTools SourceBuilder: building cached f:\VIDEO_TS\VTS_03_0.VOB video/0
MMTools SourceBuilder: unable to use cache: 0x80004005 - 未指定的错误
MMTools SourceBuilder: building f:\VIDEO_TS\VTS_03_0.VOB video/0
MMTools SourceBuilder: building f:\VIDEO_TS\VTS_03_1.VOB video/0
MMTools SourceBuilder: --- used source filters ---
MMTools {E436EBB5-524F-11CE-9F53-0020AF0BA770} - File Source (Async.)
MMTools {A336CD3B-599C-4F70-A34D-E88EDE4B64C3} - Nero Splitter
MMTools {C0BA9CF8-96E0-4C34-B5DE-E92C3FC05ED6} - Nero Video Decoder
MMTools SourceBuilder: file type MPEG2 - video
MMTools --------------------
MMTools SourceBuilder: building cached f:\VIDEO_TS\VTS_04_0.VOB video/0
MMTools SourceBuilder: unable to use cache: 0x80004005 - 未指定的错误
MMTools SourceBuilder: building f:\VIDEO_TS\VTS_04_0.VOB video/0 NeroVision Set Preview Channel
MMTools SourceBuilder: building cached f:\VIDEO_TS\VIDEO_TS.VOB video/0
MMTools SourceBuilder: unable to use cache: 0x80004005 - 未指定的错误
MMTools SourceBuilder: building f:\VIDEO_TS\VIDEO_TS.VOB video/0
MMTools SourceBuilder: building cached f:\VIDEO_TS\VIDEO_TS.VOB video/0
MMTools SourceBuilder: unable to use cache: 0x80004005 - 未指定的错误
MMTools SourceBuilder: building f:\VIDEO_TS\VIDEO_TS.VOB video/0
DVDEngine...New VOB 1 MMTools SourceBuilder: building cached f:\VIDEO_TS\VTS_01_0.VOB video/0
MMTools SourceBuilder: unable to use cache: 0x80004005 - 未指定的错误
MMTools SourceBuilder: building f:\VIDEO_TS\VTS_01_0.VOB video/0
DVDEngine...New VOB 1
DVDEngine..+VOB#1: VOB_IDN=1, SA=0, VOB_V_S_PTM=34145
DVDEngine...New CELL 1
DVDEngine....+Cell#1: C_IDN=1
DVDEngine....|Cell#1: C_IDN=1, , VOBU_Ns=1, C_PBTM=00s.12
DVDEngine..|VOB#1: VOB_IDN=1, , C_Ns=1, VOB_V_S_PTM=34145, VOB_V_E_PTM=77345