中文名: 摄影术基础培训视频教程英文名: Lynda.com Natalie Fobes The Elements of Effective Photographs
资源格式: 光盘镜像
主讲人: Natalie Fobes
发行日期: 2011年
地区: 美国
对白语言: 英语
文字语言: 英文
Lynda.com 出品的时长1小时36分钟的摄影术的基础培训视频教程。由Natalie Fobes传授充分利用摄影室或场所的各种元素拍摄出出众的照片。教学探讨了构图元素的原理知识,色彩和光线在照片中的作用,室内照明怎样摆弄才看似像自然光,以及抓拍快速移动场景照片的各种技术等等。
In this course, Pulitzer-nominated photographer Natalie Fobes takes viewers into the studio and on location to explore the many elements that combine to make an effective photo.
The course explores compositional elements that guide a viewer's eye, including the rule of thirds; leading lines, patterns, and curves; and depth of field. Natalie then details the roles of color and light in a photo. She shows how to work with the natural light in a room or outdoor location, and how to enhance it using reflectors, newspapers, a T-shirt, or whatever might be handy. She also shows some simple indoor lighting setups that can replicate the look of natural light.
The course continues with a look at movement and how a photographer can convey a sense of motion by blurring part of the image or freezing a fast-moving subject. Next, Natalie explores the concepts of peak action and the decisive moment—those split seconds that capture the essence or emotion of a subject or scene. The course wraps up with a discussion of the roles of
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[ 本帖最后由 oggcv 于 2012-11-15 09:17 编辑 ] 谢谢楼主 英文的不懂,期待汉化哦 谢谢分享,辛苦了 英文的不会啊能人上吧 英文的不懂,期待汉化哦 谢谢楼主。 楼主辛苦了,学习 感谢分享 落岸老表