发表于 2008-9-8 14:23:22
Flash: http://up.qzone.net.cn/qzone/20080908022102_baobao.swf
//写在帧的代码:- function enet()
- [code]function enet()
- {
- ++i;
- sc = random(50) + 20;
- duplicateMovieClip("ppo", "ppo" + i, i);
- _root["ppo" + i]._x = random(550);
- _root["ppo" + i]._y = random(400);
- _root["ppo" + i]._xscale = _root["ppo" + i]._yscale = sc;
- } // End of the function
- i = 0;
- ppo._visible = false;
- onEnterFrame = function ()
- {
- ===================================================================================================
- //写在实体上的代码:
- [code]onClipEvent (load)
- {
- xx = random(550);
- xy = random(400);
- dt = 50;
- this.ys._alpha = random(150) + 50;
- var yanse = new Color(this.yanse_mc);
- yanse.setRGB(random(16777215));
- }
- onClipEvent (enterFrame)
- {
- if (random(dt) == 1)
- {
- xx = random(550);
- xy = random(400);
- } // end if
- dx = xx - _x;
- dy = xy - _y;
- dx = dx * 1.000000E-002;
- dy = dy * 1.000000E-002;
- setProperty("", _x, _x + dx);
- setProperty("", _y, _y + dy);
- setProperty("", _rotation, _rotation + 0);
- }
复制代码 作为相册的一页,你可变通一下,做成你想要的效果
[ 本帖最后由 fangge.8888 于 2008-9-9 21:43 编辑 ] |