软件详细信息# }9 b9 J: M. J2 [" q
0 M0 ~2 _& B7 c f& ?ActionBacks Wedding Motion 5DVD (婚礼片头视频背景素材):- h2 e' V8 r$ y; d2 `/ m+ X
3dbackgrounds出品婚庆动态素材,婚礼片头视频背景素材—ActionBacks Wedding Motion 1-5DVD,近10G容量,每DVD价值99$./ t8 ^1 L. s! F8 a4 F
5 z: x1 k, N7 J& [
这是一套ActionBacks精品婚庆动态素材,所有素材均经过 Premiere 6.5 、edius 3.0 、 After Effects 6.5、combustion 4.0、Ulead MediaStudio Pro 7.0 及品尼高测试均能正常调用,全部为720x576、MOV格式、每个DVD包含30个动态视频、它是一套专业的影视后期素材,被广泛的应用于各婚纱影楼,个人制作爱好者。“巧妇难为无米之炊”,没有素材的支持,创作便成了无源之水,无本之木。精彩的创意最终需要素材来构建。而且,丰富、精美的素材会极大地激发你的创作灵感。以具体、精美的素材为基础的创意,必然产生高效率的制作和完美的艺术作品。
* o# S. V2 O s6 ]$ U% F& X6 u
& ^6 p& x6 ?6 E5 ^; p/ V4 z) HCompatibility 兼容性:
' ~* y* a+ \% q, r cAll ActionBacks work on 720x480, 720x486 or 720x576 Video Editing Systems.
3 ^# b4 n3 O& L4 ZAll ActionBacks WILL WORK in your Video Editing System, or Presentation3 c. g9 A( Z; }! ^# o/ t
software.3 z @' }9 W& V5 k- E
See the bottom of this page if you need to know what format you need.
" [6 D; w8 Z4 x8 l4 s
& @8 ]6 K; i1 y, o5 _6 V( GPowerpoint users:
$ y# V7 \8 C4 R) L$ e5 kChoose the Quicktime format and convert to AVI using this easy to use software0 q- O6 F: B% r. D5 I% k, M$ J8 F, g
at this link:" c) X3 W' ~0 |% g
Rad Video Tools Freeware
, [. R" U5 Y5 C2 z5 i6 zConvert to the Microsoft Video1 compressor
9 B: Z, ?8 A' U2 O7 @
/ ]% Q: `1 v& r4 ]- Y+ K' P. NVideo Editing System formats 支持视频编辑格式:% D T3 J1 p* Q, Y7 ?) w
ActionBacks will work with any software that imports Quicktime or AVI Movies.0 {6 `/ p; U0 f# m6 M) j" ]" }9 `
If your software or system is not listed here, check to see what format2 q7 ?( @% X$ X: e3 d* @9 A
it imports.
/ a0 S8 J3 N& t3 b) j. H" m5 {& G; h" G( ~2 _$ V0 X
Adobe Premiere (Quicktime or AVI)
, C, ~6 z. L% T( i6 yAdobe After Effects (Quicktime or AVI)
+ t# d7 o. E# M9 V; x) QUlead Media Studio Pro (Quicktime or AVI)
4 r! e! g) `& d9 OUlead Video Studio (Quicktime or AVI)
- ~0 S) K+ T1 ~1 e# W1 x+ Y$ PPinnacle Studio (AVI)2 j( F7 J9 v& i4 ?
Pinnacle Edition (AVI)/ g" P1 m2 Q/ A; |0 i# g( y
Pinnacle Commotion (AVI)
) r6 k/ {" \- a/ h* T) A3 IAvid systems (Quicktime or AVI)3 C( A1 q4 S1 f5 |9 U* b
EditDV (Quicktime)
* V1 v* q* [- k" Q7 g1 |2 FFinal Cut Pro (Quicktime)
0 A4 m' @( z* @6 I8 s9 z# AFinal Cut Pro Express (Quicktime)2 z% Q# v4 u2 }0 x3 a2 i" b% a" V
iMovie (Quicktime)
: A( g9 _1 `( @Video Factory (AVI). ?, @6 y7 ^$ w
Vegas Video (Quicktime or AVI)
4 A( ^' H7 Z9 o, t! }) P; M0 `Canopus Storm Edit (AVI)
- U; L! V2 t. g$ cMacro System Casablanca (Mini DV)
3 l! n* K: o+ X6 s# t# JAppled Magic Screenplay or Sequel (Mini DV)
3 D; B$ d) N0 p( J. `
+ ^% e( ^# s& Z1 |# F3 zQUICKTIME格式720X480(NTSC) 720X576(PAL),用这套些动态背景可以轻而易举地制作出非常浪漫的婚纱片头为你的DVD作品带来无穷的魅力。
9 X# W( f( Q8 M& [下载地址:% r) w: e2 u! e- k; d3 c. M. v% G+ n
& C! i1 ^' O+ V9 F( \
[ 本帖最后由 悠悠 于 2008-9-12 15:33 编辑 ] |