Aly & AJ是由Alyson Michalka和Amanda Michalka两姐妹组成的。走的是Pop Rock的路线。二人一高一低的声线又相当的配合主打歌曲Rush绝对值得一听!
由现年17岁的姐姐Alyson Renae "Aly" Michalka与现年15岁的妹妹Amanda Joy "AJ" Michalka"所组成的Aly&AJ,两人从小就在教堂的唱诗班中训练歌唱技巧。Aly在六岁始学钢琴弹奏,13岁时兼著把玩吉他,同时展开演戏生涯,AJ同样会吉他与钢琴外,更是模特儿与演员。从迪士尼频道出身的Aly&AJ,演过多出戏剧以及演唱多支单曲出现在剧集当中,虽然年纪轻轻,但早已身经百战朝著全方位艺人阔步迈进。
迅速签入Hollywood Records的Aly&AJ,於2005年八月推出首张作品『Into The Rush』,创下金唱片销售纪录,一路热卖至2006年,唱片公司决定改版再推出『Into The Rush』豪华加值版,请来资深制作人Jon Lind(Paula Abdul,Barry Manilow,Jesse McCartney)与Leah Haywood(Celine Dion)联手操盘。充满青春无敌的流行摇滚曲式"Chemicals React",为改版献上衬头的首攻佳作;Aly&AJ主演的迪士尼电影「Cow Belles」则以"On The Ride"作为主题曲;2005年迪士尼献出卖座励志电影「冰上公主」,选择抒情动人的"No One"配入戏中感动桥段之中;有著电子气流过瘾润饰的摇滚佳作"Rush",纷获电玩游戏以及电影「Twitches」青睐选用;同为青春偶像琳赛萝涵主演之「金龟车贺比全速前进」,欢乐选用Aly&AJ翻唱Katrina And The Waves畅销夏日摇摆曲"Walking On Sunshine"。

歌 词
Aly & AJ - Potential Breakup Song
La da da la la la
La da da la la la
La da da la la la la la
It took too long
It took too long
It took too long for you to call back
And normally I would just forget that
Except for the fact it was my birthday
My stupid birthday
I played along
I played along
I played along
Rolled right off my back
But obviously my armor was cracked
What kind of a boyfriend would forget that?
Who would forget that?
The type of guy who doesn't see
What he has until she leaves
Don't let me go
Cause without me you know you're lost
Wise up now or pay the cost
Soon you will know
You're not living
'Til you're living, living with me
You're not winning
'Til you're winning, winning me
You're not getting
'Til you're getting, getting to me
You're not living 'til you're living, living with me
This is the potential breakup song
Our album needs just one
Oh baby please
Please tell me
We got along
We got along
We got along until you did that
Now all I want is just my stuff back
Do you get that?
Let me repeat that
I want my stuff back
You can send it in a box
I don't care
Just drop it off
I won't be home
Cause without me you know you're lost
Minus you, I'm better off
Soon you will know
You're not living
'Til you're living, living with me
You're not winning
'Til you're winning, winning
You're not getting
'Til you're getting, getting to me
You're not living 'til you're living, living for me
You can try
You can try
You know I'd know it'd be a lie
Without me you're gonna cry
So you betta think clearly, clearly
Before you nearly, nearly messed up the situation
That you're gonna miss dearly, dearly
Come on!
You're not living
'Til you're living, living with me
You're not winning
'Til you're winning, winning
You're not getting
'Til you're getting, getting to me
You're not living 'til you're living, living for me
This is the potential breakup song
Our album needs just one
Oh baby please
Please, tell me
This is the potential makeup song
Please just admit you're wrong
Which will it be
Which will it be
La da da la la la
La da da la la la
La da da la la la la la