EDIUS v6.05 Update发布
EDIUS Software v6.05 Update
Released: 2011-09-28
Size: 353 MB
EDIUS Software v6.05 Update
Windows XP / Windows Vista / Windows 7
This update contains numerous improvements, bug fixes, and is an official localized version.
Note: This package can only upgrade an existing system. That is, you will need to have installed EDIUS v6.00 software. If you are installing on a fresh system, you will need to first install from your original EDIUS 6 media and then apply this update. You will also need to have your security dongle inserted.
Supported Hardware:
IEEE 1394 FireWire controllers
STORM 3G Elite
EDIUS SD/HD Series (RX-E1 hardware)
Issues fixed in this version (from v6.03)
Fixed issue with material in P2 DVCPro which has been captured with FinalCutPro not being able to be loaded properly by EDIUS.
Fixed issue with crash of DiscBurner while creating disk with DiscBurner.
Fixed issue with color not being displayed correctly when importing ProRes file.
Fixed issue with a certain ProRess file being squeezed and displayed after loading it.
Fixed issue with a certain MOV file in DVCPRO format not being able to be imported into EDIUS.
Fixed issue with response being decreased when transfering clip in P2 card from source blowser to Bin on background.
Fixed issue with PosterFrame displayed in Bin being changed when In Point is changed from Player.
Fixed issue with taking a long time to load a certain project file.
Fixed issue with freeze when a lot of HQ clips are placed on timeline and waveform cache is displayed.
Fixed issue with localized representation in multilingual environment.
Fixed issue with pulldown information not being written into AVI file.
Fixed issue with pulldown information not being configured in a certain project.
Fixed issue with pulldown information not being written when capturing it to MXF.
Fixed issue with driver not being uninstalled when uninstalling EDIUS.
Added support for pulldown format in proxy file.
Fixed issue with valid capture margin not being set when timeline cursor of in/out point that has been specified when capturing tape and FD/NFD of tape are different.
Fixed issue with material of 23.98 over 59.94 not being loaded properly when loading the material into a project of 23.98p.
Fixed issue with drop shadow not being displayed correctly when still file is dropped from Explorer.
Fixed issue with still image not being able to put it before timeline cursor when dropping the still file from Explorer.
Fixed issue with freeze when playing after using mask filter to add edge to keyframes.
Fixed issue with timeline playback being stopped when background transfer is completed.
Fixed issue with PAN settings being changed to default by UNDO when audio clip on timeline is set to monaural.
Fixed issue with high-resolution being displayed as off-line clip in Bin when only high-resolution is imported from XDCAM.
Fixed issue with crash when replacing the existing transition with SMPTE Enhanced Wipe transition on information palette.
Fixed issue with not being able to create proxy when AVI file which contains pulldown information of a certain material of 23.98p over 59.94 is loaded by a project of 23.98p.
Fixed issue with time code not being recognized at T2 when a certain HQ/HQX file is exported to T2 via FTP.
Changed default mode for Key-frame of file setting dialog from Bezier to Line.
Fixed issue with a certain MSDV file not being able to be played in Windows Media Player when it is converted into Canopus DV codec.
Fixed issue with some of the shape being missed when moving a certain form of shape with Mask Filter.
Fixed issue with H.264 file exported by MEDIAEDGE/HDMA-4000 preset not being able to be played in HDMA-4000.
Fixed issue with clip being offline when a project is being trimmed and consolidated after checking out the project with trim option.
Fixed issue with right-click menu not being displayed when dragging and dropping audio file from Explorer to timeline.
Fixed issue with offline clip not being able to be restored when choosing "Only timeline" as transport target for option while checking out Transport and Edit.
Updated USB-Serial driver bundled with a disc to the latest version.
Fixed issue of a partially transferred clip not being imported into a project folder when checking in the clip that has been added to checked-out project and partially transferred.
Fixed issue with feedback image of clip that is being dragged not being output when there is no audio track on timeline.
Fixed issue with noise being generated when using QuickTitler and the value of z-axis of light source for emboss to a certain shape is set to positive value.
Fixed issue with audio not being output properly when recording voice-over from HD-SDI.
Fixed issue with ticker of TitleMotionPro becoming the same operation when putting Slide A and Slide B respectively on the ticker.
Fixed issue with the setting of the PinP not being preserved in the user preset.
Fixed issue with current time code not being able to be selected when mounting clip that is being edited simultaneously on player window.
Fixed issue with voice-over which uses input from STORM 3G not being output properly.
Fixed issue with not being able to quit EDIUS properly when creating wave form cache and then attempting to quit EDIUS.
在已捕获的不能正确加载 EDIUS FinalCutPro P2 DVCPro 材料固定的问题。
固定的 DiscBurner 与 DiscBurner 创建磁盘时崩溃的问题。
用颜色不能正常显示导入 ProRes 文件时的修正的问题。
修正的问题某些 MOV DVCPRO 中的文件格式不能导入到 EDIUS。
修正的问题反应时减少了转移背景上到回收站源游览 P2 卡中的剪辑。
PosterFrame 显示被更改时点更改播放器从回收站中修复的问题。
固定的问题冻结时,很多的 HQ 剪辑放置在时间线上,并显示波形高速缓存。
下拉列表中的信息不会被写入到 AVI 文件的修正的问题。
下拉列表中的信息不会被写入到 MXF 捕捉它时的固定的问题。
固定的问题时卸载 EDIUS 不卸载驱动程序。
与时间轴光标的输入/输出点已指定捕获磁带和磁带的 FD/NFD 何时不同时未设置有效的捕获距修正的问题。
固定的材料 23.98 59.94 未被正确加载时加载到 23.98 p 的一个项目的材料上的问题。
固定的崩溃时使用 SMPTE 增强划出过渡信息调色板上替换现有的过渡问题。
固定的问题不能创建代理时 AVI 文件,它包含下拉列表中的某些材料的 23.98 p 超过 59.94 信息加载 23.98 p 的项目。
固定的时间代码未被识别在 T2 某些总部/HQX 文件导出为 T2 通过 FTP 时的问题。
不能将其转换成老人星 DV 编解码器在 Windows 媒体播放器播放某些 MSDV 文件的修正的问题。
修正的问题与 H.264 文件导出的 MEDIAEDGE/HDMA-4000 预设不能够在 HDMA 4000 中播放。
更新的 USB 串行驱动程序为最新版本的光盘与捆绑在一起。
固定使用 QuickTitler 和光源的 z 轴的值时产生的噪音问题浮雕到特定形状设置为正值。
修正带音频不是输出正确记录从 HD-SDI 画外音时的问题。
修正的问题,与 TitleMotionPro 成为相同的操作上该代号分别推杆幻灯片 A 和 B 滑动时的代号。
画外音,使用从输入固定的问题风暴 3g 没有得到适当的输出。
不能创建窗体高速缓存波时正确退出 EDIUS,然后尝试退出 EDIUS 的固定的问题。
http://canopus.vo.llnwd.net/o2/s ... 8641130edb66fb68a96
http://www.ctdisk.com/file/1388290 |